
GET api/actionconverters

Retrieves the Collection of available ActionConverters on the NoahServer. Must have a valid Authorization header.


GET api/users/current

Retrieves the currently logged in user. Must have a valid Authorization header.


GET api/discovery/{customername}/preference/{connectionpreference}

Discover NoahServers by their Name


GET api/noahserversettings

Retrieves the Remote/Local host (NoahServer) settings. Must have a valid Authorization header.


GET api/apppermissions/{moduleid}

Retreive a List of application permissions for a specific App defined by it's moduleid. Must have a valid Authorization header. Patient fields that do not have a permission, will not be filled when requesting patient data.

GET api/requiredfields/{moduleid}

Retreive a list of permissions for required Patient fields for a specific App defined by it's moduleid. Must have a valid Authorization header. Required fields must be filled when creating a new patient. NOTE : API Version 1.1


GET api/serviceapps/subscriptions

Retrieves zero or more event data subscriptions for specific remotehosts.

GET api/serviceapps/subscriptions/{remoteHostId}

Get subscription data

POST api/serviceapps/subscriptions/{remoteHostId}

Create subscription

DELETE api/serviceapps/subscriptions/{remoteHostId}

Delete subscription


POST api/patients

Call this method first when you want to add a new patient to Noah. Data can be added to the object before this method is called. A patient object is returned where data can be further modified. To save back to Noah call PutPatient with patient object. NOTE: When NewPatient is called Patient.ID, Patient.CreateDate, Patient.LastModifiedDate, Patient.PatientGUID and Patient.CreatedBy is set on the returning object by Noah. These are maintained by Noah and must not be changed. Prior to using this method call api/apppermissions/{Your Moduleid} to determine required fields. (Once pr. login) Prior to using this method call api/noahserversettings and see if PatientManagement is allowed. (Once pr. login) Must have a valid Authorization header.

PUT api/patients

Call this method to update a patient. A new patient object is returned that the App can further modify before calling PutPatient again. Must have a valid Authorization header. NOTE: It's utmost importance that you only modify (work with) the returning objects. When PutPatient is called Patient.LastModifiedDate is set on the returning object by Noah. This is maintained by Noah and must not be changed. Prior to using this method call api/apppermissions/{Your Moduleid} to determine required fields.(Once pr. login) Prior to using this method call api/noahserversettings and see if PatientManagement is allowed.(Once pr. login)

GET api/patients

OBSOLETE: Retrieves the first 50 patients. Must have a valid Authorization header. This method is deprecated, for similar functionality please use the Patients resource that takes a 'searchtext' parameter to perform the query instead and pass a null value for the 'searchtext' parameter.

GET api/patients?searchtext={searchtext}

Retrieves the first 50 patients matching the searchText. Must have a valid Authorization header.

GET api/patients?searchtext={searchtext}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Retrieves one or more patients identified by {searchText}. Must have a valid Authorization header.

POST api/patients/updates

Retrieves one or more patients from a given time interval. There is a limitation of 50 Patients for each page. Must have a valid Authorization header.

PUT api/patients/{patientId}/identification

Adds a patient identification string to the patient.

DELETE api/patients/{patientId}/identification?identification={identification}

Deletes a patient identification string attached to the patient.

GET api/patients/identification?identification={identification}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Retrieves one or more patients identified by {identification}.

GET api/patients/{patientid}

Retrieves the patient identified by {patientid}. Must have a valid Authorization header..

GET api/patients/{patientid}/sessions

Retrieves the sessions for the specified patient. Must have a valid Authorization header.

GET api/patients/{patientid}/sessions/{sessionid}

Retrieves the specific session for the patient. Must have a valid Authorization header.

GET api/patients/{patientid}/sessions/{sessionid}/actions

Retrieves the actions belonging to a session. Must have a valid Authorization header.

GET api/patients/{patientid}/sessions/{sessionid}/actions/{actionid}?format={format}

Retrieves a specific action. Must have a valid Authorization header. If public data are to be converted before it's returned then specify the wanted format in the format parameter. If left empty (null) no conversion will be made. If there is no converter available the a response code 400 are returned together with an Extended error info code 60213.

POST api/patients/{patientId}/actions

Creates a new action. The newly created action is returned to the App to work with i.e. Must have a valid Authorization header.

POST api/patients/{patientId}/actions?createDate={createDate}

Creates a new action. The newly created action is returned to the App to work with i.e. Must have a valid Authorization header. NOTE : API Version 1.1 The API Version 1.0 of this method does not have parameter CreateDate

POST api/patients/byguid/{patientGuid}/actions

Creates a new action. The newly created action is returned to the App to work with i.e. Must have a valid Authorization header.

PUT api/patients/{patientId}/sessions/{sessionId}/actions/{actionId}

Updates an existing action. The updated action is returned to the App to work with i.e. Must have a valid Authorization header. This method uses optimistic locking via LastModifiedDate to detect update conflicts. Http Status code 409 is returned when a conflict is found indicating that the action was modified since it was read by the App. It's up to the App to choose an appropriate action.

POST api/patients/{patientid}/actions/filter

Retrieves the actions belonging to patient that meets the search criteria. Must have a valid Authorization header.

GET api/patients/{patientid}/actions

Retrieves the actions belonging to patient. Must have a valid Authorization header.

POST api/patients/actions/updates

Retrieves one or more actions cross patients from a given time interval and data type. There is a limitation of 50 Actions for each page. Must have a valid Authorization header.

GET api/patients/{patientid}/sessions/{sessionid}/actions/{actionid}/fastview

No documentation available.

PUT api/patients/{patientId}/sessions/{sessionId}/actions/{actionId}/fastview

No documentation available.

POST api/patients/byguid/{patientGuid}/notifications

Sends a notification

GET api/patients/notifications/categories

Retrieves the allowed notification categories. Must have a valid Authorization header.


POST api/audittrails

Add a Audittrail - HIPAALog entry in Noah. Must have a valid Authorization header.


POST api/Apps

Register an App. in Noah. Must have a valid Authorization header. The register information must be wrapped into an object of the type AppRegInfo, which contains Version, Name, ModuleId and MobileAppType. Version, Name and ModuleId is self-explanatory. ModuleAppType can be either FittingApp, MeasurementApp or GeneralApp (Case sensitive). This is a change from V1.1 where a number was applied. Call this method when you receive a response code 404 (Not Found) with an extended error code 60169.

DELETE api/Apps/{id}

Unregister an App. Must have a valid Authorization header.